Piero Umiliani – Atmospheres

“Organic electronic music” might sound like an oxymoron, but Bay Area duo Motoko & Myers produce just that on their sophomore album Colocate, released on Cincinnati-based label Soda Gong. The duo employ what they call “4-handed” collaborative keyboard playing on the album’s nine improvised and odd grooves. Each sounds experimental and otherworldly, yet strangely warm and inviting. We can imagine these tracks sounding perfect in the post-morning hours of some lush forest rave with cicadas buzzing and the psychedelics waning… Recommended for fans of minimal synth, environmental music, Tropical Drums Of Deutschland, Yu Su, Second Circle, etc.
A1 Radiolarite
A2 Bioscleave
A3 Misplaced Ceiling
A4 Gaze Brace
B1 Oriented Strand Board
B2 Frisée
B3 Fragmentainer
B4 House Made of Pollen
Artwork By – Alex McCullough (2)
Mastered By – Kassian Troyer
Written By, Producer – DJML, Wonja (2)