Wild, Weird World of The Boredoms (Japanese Experimental)

Enter the wild, weird, mesmerizing world of The Boredoms.
The Boredoms aren’t an easy group to nail down. One of the strangest-ever signings to a U.S. major label (Warner Bros.), the Osaka-born posse started as a punk-inspired, Dada-esque noise band in the late 1980s but across the next two decades gradually evolved into a relentlessly meditative trance- and noise-rock concern that drew on ideas first envisioned by predecessors Amon Duul, Guru Guru and Hawkwind.
Founded by screamer-programmer-visual-artist Yamantaka Eye — who goes by EyeA, EWE, EY3, EYE, EYE one, EYE X, Eye Y, Eye Yamataka, Eye Yamatska, Eye Yamatsuka, Eye Yamazka, EyeEye, EYƎ, eYɘ, Pamantaka Eye, Pamantaka EYƎ and Yakmatsu Eye — the Boredoms’ longest running line-up has also featured percussionist-yowler Yoshimi (a.k.a. the namesake of the Flaming Lips’ album Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots), guitarist Seiichi Yamamoto and dozens of on again, off again collaborators.
Join the team behind In Sheep’s Clothing for a night of our favorite selections from the legendary experimental group.