Haruomi Hosono – Tropical Dandy

An obscure and quite underrated ’80s electronic folk album, Karácsonyi Magyar Népdalok (Hungarian Christmas Folk Songs) might not be the most appealing title tag, but trust us, this one is worth a listen. Ethno-electronic production meets traditional Nepzene folk melodies and nativity themes for a unique set of 10-tracks that range from ethereal downtempo to upbeat children’s synth pop. The contrast likely helped make the album a favorite amongst young and old in Hungary. While all the tracks are quite interesting production-wise, A6 A Piac Közepén is definitely the winner here and hits a sort of cosmic downtempo zone that’s clearly filled with the spirit of some higher power.
Recommended – A6 A Piac Közepén, A1 Siralmas A Világ
A1 Siralmas A Világ
A2 Betlehem, Betlehem
A3 Paradicsom Mezeibe
A4 Halljátok, Új Hírt Mondok
A5 A, A, A
A6 A Piac Közepén
B1 Regősének
B2 Jézus Az Asztalnál
B3 Apokrif
B4 Betlehem Kis Falucskában
Accordion – Huszár Mihály (tracks: A3, A5)
Adapted By – Cserepes Károly
Bagpipes – Ifj. Csoóri Sándor* (tracks: A5, B1)
Bombarde – Cserepes Károly (tracks: A4, B2)
Clarinet – Jiří Stivín (tracks: A4)
Design – Keresztes Dóra*, Orosz István
Drums – Donászy Tibor (tracks: A2 to A4, A6, B1, B3)
Electric Bass – Szörényi Szabolcs* (tracks: A3, B3)
Electric Upright Bass – Huszár Mihály (tracks: A2)
Engineer – Zakariás István*, Horváth János*
Guitar – Szörényi Levente* (tracks: A3, B3)
Hurdy Gurdy – Mandel Róbert* (tracks: A5)
Lacquer Cut By – AT*
Percussion – Hortobágyi László* (tracks: A1, A2, B2, B3)
Piano – Cserepes Károly (tracks: B1)
Producer – Szörényi Szabolcs*
Synthesizer – Cserepes Károly (tracks: A1 to A6, B1 to B4)
Trumpet – Kovács Ferenc* (tracks: A1, A3)
Vocals – Cserepes Anna* (tracks: A1, A3 to A5, B1), Csillag Anna* (tracks: A1, A3 to A5, B1), Torda Gábor* (tracks: A3 to A5, B1), Szörényi Levente* (tracks: A3, B1, B2), Sebestyén Márta* (tracks: A2, A6, B2 to B4), Dobszay Márton* (tracks: A3 to A5, B1), Kürtös Rita* (tracks: A3 to A5, B1), Hules Tamás* (tracks: A3 to A5, B1), Mózes Tamás* (tracks: A3 to A5, B1)