Released in November 1974, it was the Big Bang of electronic dance music. “Autobahn” starts with a spark — a key turns, igniting cylinders in synchronized rhythm, the mechanical […]
Recent mailbox arrivals from Juan Atkins & Moritz von Oswald, Sandy Bull, Vanishing Twin, and Ø. Although the basic machinations that occur behind the scenes of the In […]
Let’s allow the great dance music writer Barry Walters set the scene, which takes place not long after Larry Levan’s friend Frankie Knuckles started DJing in Chicago. There, […]
Let’s talk about Roberto Musci, the Milanese experimental composer whose work both alone and with kindred spirit Giovanni Venosta starting in the 1980s has been gaining attention and […]
In 1994, the late Japanese electronic producer Susumu Yokota was just getting started but only a few years away from releasing a string of brilliant, inventive ambient electronic […]
Join us at ISC NYC for a Brian Eno Dedicated Listening Session today. If history has taught us anything, it’s that when Brian Eno starts talking about art, […]
A love letter to curated collections and the people who make them. Seventy-five years ago, Folkways Records began issuing a series of themed albums that corralled recordings made […]
Join us 2-5pm at In Sheep’s Clothing NYC for a listening session dedicated to jazz-funk classics. For a long time, “fusion” was a dirty word in jazz circles, […]
There are records that are as potent as psychedelics. Records that whoosh you into another realm the moment the stylus locks into the groove, embrace you in their […]
For our first Featured Collection, we invite you to dive into Deep Listening, a selection of albums inspired by the quiet daytime hours at ISC. If you’ve visited […]