David Axelrod – Seriously Deep

E2-E4 is a one hour long improvisational piece split into two sides. Recorded in one take at Göttsching’s home studio in Berlin, the album is an accidental masterpiece and a pivotal moment captured to tape. Göttsching originally recorded the piece to have something to listen to on his Walkman on a trip the following day and unknowingly created one of the most influential pieces in the history of electronic music. Trance inducing analog synth rhythms, metallic percussion, and Göttsching’s expertly sparse guitar playing combine to create the blueprint for electronic dance music (house & techno specifically) that would come almost a decade later. “E2-E4” was mostly a cult artifact until it was made famous by the legendary Larry Levan at his Paradise Garage and would go on to influence generations of electronic artists. A must listen!
– Cole Kinnear
Recommended – Full Listen
A1 Ruhige Nervosität
A2 Gemäßigter Aufbruch
A3 …Und Mittelspiel
A4 Ansatz
B1 Damen-Eleganza
B2 Ehrenvoller Kampf
B3 Hoheit Weicht (Nicht Ohne Schwung…)
B4 …Und Souveränität
B5 Remis
Guitar, Electronics – Manuel Göttsching
Producer, Composed By – Manuel Göttsching