Captain Beefheart – Bluejeans & Moonbeams

Sounding something like Neil Young in Japan, Niningashi’s 1974 private press debut Heavy Way is a long-lost Japanese acid folk holy grail that has now been lovingly reissued by Kay Suzuki’s Time Capsule. Happy End-adjacent, Heavy Way coasts along that similar wavy Japanese poetic flow with plenty of folk-blues charm featuring harmonica, banjo, and washboard percussion. “Although he was training as a pharmacist, Kazuhisa Okubo was much more interested in prescribing musical medicine. A coming-of-age album, Heavy Way captured a turning point in Okubo’s life, and Japanese society more widely as a nostalgia for the pastoral calm of the traditional life, met the cosmopolitan thrill of coffee, sex and cigarettes in the big city.”
Recommended – Full Listen
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A1 雨あがり = Ameagari (After The Rain)
A2 せまい僕の部屋で = Semai Boku No Heyade (In My Small Room)
A3 おそすぎて = Ososugite (Too Late)
A4 みよちゃん = Miyo Chan
A5 おらが村の村長さん = Oraga Murano Soncho San (Our Village Chief)
B1 れすとらん = Resutoran (Restaurant)
B2 なつ = Natsu (Summer)
B3 ちかんの詩 = Chikan No Uta (Molester Song)
B4 ひとりぼっち = Hitoribotchi (On My Own)
Artwork – Leon Moh-Cah
Liner Notes – Anton Spice, Kay Suzuki
Written-By, Composed By – Kazuhisa Okubo