The story goes that Vince and Bola owe the Sheraton Hotels a bit of credit for their magical union… Bola Sete was first discovered by a Sheraton executive, who would constantly fly him out to play at their venues. Bola would then be found by Dizzy Gillespie who would later put him on at the legendary Monterey Jazz Festival where Guaraldi would hear him. Vince Guaraldi / Bola Sete & Friends is the first of three collaborative studio albums between the American pianist and Rio-born guitarist. It captures a brilliant point of meeting. Vince and Bola had only played together once before at Vince’s house before cutting the record and reportedly “nothing came out the way [they] rehearsed it! It was beautiful!”
Recommended – Full Listen
A1 Days Of Wine And Roses
A2 Star Song
A3 Mambossa
B1 Moon Rays
B2 Casaba
Bass – Fred Marshall
Drums – Jerry Granelli
Guitar – Bola Sete
Liner Notes – Ralph J. Gleason
Piano – Vince Guaraldi