Yukihiro Takahashi may not have had as prolific a solo career as the other two members of Yellow Magic Orchestra, but that’s a hard comparison to make as Hosono and Sakamoto are quite frankly freaks! Takahashi is certainly no slouch… His debut solo effort Saravah! is a city pop classic recorded in 1978 after Takahashi had just left Sadistic Mika Band and joined a young Yellow Magic Orchestra. The album sounds like “clubbing in Paris” with a sophisticated set of tracks touching on disco, funk, synth pop, ambient, french exotica, and bossa nova.
Recommended – Full Listen
A1 Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)
A2 Saravah!
A3 C’Est Si Bon
A4 La Rosa
A5 Mood Indigo
B1 Elastic Dummy
B2 Sunset
B3 Back Street Midnight Queen
B4 Present
Arranged By [Brass, Strings & Keyboards] – 坂本龍一*
Arranged By [Rhythm] – 高橋ユキヒロ*
Chorus – Buzz* (tracks: A3, B2, B4), 吉田美奈子* (tracks: B1, B3), ラジ* (tracks: A1, A3, B2, B4), 山下達郎* (tracks: B1, B3)
Co-producer – 坂本龍一*
Design – Noa Planning Corp.*
Directed By – Kenji Andoh, Shigeyuki Kawashima
Drums – 高橋ユキヒロ*
Electric Bass – 細野晴臣*
Electric Guitar – 和田アキラ* (tracks: B2, B3), 加藤和彦* (tracks: A2, A4, A5), 大村憲治* (tracks: A4), 高中正義* (tracks: B4), 鈴木茂* (tracks: A1, A3, A4, B3, B4), 松木恒彦* (tracks: A2, A4, B1, B2)
Handclaps – 秋川リサ & Friends* (tracks: B1)
Keyboards – 坂本龍一*
Management – Hiroshi Tanaka (2)
Percussion – 今井裕* (tracks: A4), 浜口茂外也* (tracks: A1, A3-A5, B1, B3, B4), 斎藤ノブ* (tracks: A2, B2), 林立夫* (tracks: A4)
Photography By – Masayoshi Sukita
Producer – 高橋ユキヒロ*
Recorded By – Seiichi Chiba
Remix – Seiichi Chiba
Vocals – 高橋ユキヒロ*