Barre Phillips – Journal Violone II
Inspired by Ornette Coleman’s vision of free jazz aka the “New Thing”, double bassist Barre Phillips has spent the last five decades developing his own style of improvised chamber music. Phillips: “I play everything based on what my ear suggests I play, with no objective editing. And my ear is fed by a pool of accumulated musical experiences stored in my memory, mental memory and muscle memory. My active role is to do the best I can to play on my instrument what my ear is suggesting.” Born in San Francisco, Phillips got his start playing with American musicians like Jimmy Guiffre, Bob James, and Archie Shepp, but would crucially move to France in the early ’70s where he’d meet frequent collaborator John Surman, with whom he would co-found the powerhouse group The Trio. Journal Violone II is Phillips’ second solo project for Manfred Eicher’s ECM and features Surman on soprano and baritone sax, bass clarinet, and synthesizer. The two instrumentalists are joined by vocalist Aina Kemanis, who provides soaring sustained notes that float and dance over Phillips and Surman’s free improvisations.
Recommended – Full Listen
Available Now:
A1 Part I
A2 Part II
A3 Part III
B1 Part IV
B2 Part V (to Aquirax Aida)
B3 Part VI
Bass, Composed By – Barre Phillips
Engineer – Martin Wieland
Layout – Barbara Wojirsch
Painting [Cover Painting: Les Violoncelleux] – R. Balestra
Photography By [Liner] – Gérard Amsellem
Producer – Manfred Eicher
Soprano Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Bass Clarinet, Synthesizer – John Surman
Vocals – Aina Kemanis