Bullion – We Had A Good Time

Portuguese composer Nuno Canavarro’s cult classic debut album Plux Quba is a sublime collection of electronic experiments created using only an 8-bit sampler and 8-track tape recorder. The story goes that this obscure, private press record was first discovered by German musician Christoph Heemann, who played it at a listening session in Köln with friends Jim O’Rourke and members of Oval and Mouse on Mars. O’Rourke would go on to reissue the record as the first release on his Moikai label in 1999, while Oval and Mouse on Mars would be highly influenced by the record’s simple, yet alien sounds. It’s an essential listen for any fan of avant-garde electronic music, and we highly recommend following the listening instructions included on the record: “This Disc Must Be Heard: Through Speakers That Are As Much as Possible Separated From Each Othe, At a Low Volume Starting from A-5 [Wask + Side 2]” Check this excellent piece from Fond Sound to learn more about Plux Quba: https://www.fondsound.com/nuno-canavarro-plux-quba-1988/
Recommended – Full Listen
A1 Untitled
A2 Alsee
A3 O Fundo Escuro De Alsee
A4 Untitled
A5 Wask
B1 Untitled
B2 Wolfie
B3 Untitled
B4 Crimine
B5 Bruma
B6 Untitled
B7 Cave
B8 Untitled
Composed By – Nuno Canavarro
Instruments – Nuno Canavarro
Remastered By – Rafael Toral